Sunday, January 10, 2010

Teach and Learn Islam

Alhamdulillah, we did having a small class in masjid to teach the students from 8th grade in Ezra Academy. They came visiting the masjid and learned about Islam.
My one of my kids showed to them how to perform salah.

Some of the questions that the students asked were as following:
- What is Islam?
- What is Muslim?
- What is the pillar of Islam?
- What is the pillar of Beliefs?
- What is Jihad?
- Do woman and man pray together or separate?
- About Halal and Haram foods.
- Do Muslim kids at public school pray at noon in the school?
- Do Muslim kids also learn about other religions?
- Story of Hajj.

This event showed that there were so many of them want to learn about Islam.
I think they learned a lot about Islam.

It is so ashammed if we see some of Muslim kids didn't know the basic knowledge about Islam.
We should teach Islam regularly to our Muslim kids.
The most important thing is the kids have to practice the religion in their daily life.

May Allah help us to teach and learn Islam. Ameen.

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